The indefatigable Nana Kathy and Papa Dennis and Nana Jean took the kiddos from Friday night through Easter, when we came to reclaim them. In the meantime, Josh turned 36 listening to Tift Merritt, and we got to eat a meal in which everyone involved was actually eating, and no chocolate milk was spilled. Nana Kathy bought Molly a lovely pink ankle-length Easter dress, but also bought her a cute top-and-skirt set (pictured), and the lovely dress was ditched for the new outfit before we could get a picture of the pinkitude. These are my pictures above, and when the grands send me theirs, I'll add them here.
Nana Kathy had this funny story from Easter Sunday's churchgoing preparations.
(Nana's in her Easter dress.)
Molly: "Oooooh, Nana, you wook so pwetty!"
(Nana's home cooking now, in pants.)
Molly: "You not so pwetty now, Nana."
Alex has been collecting state quarters and the
Westward Journey nickels. His Nana bought him a portfolio to keep them in, and Papa Dennis brought out a coin collection from his father, which is extensive and features some great old coins, like an 1859 Indian head penny. It's very hard to tell what it's worth as it's based heavily on condition, but it's an impressive collection.
Also, it is Day One of Underpants Time at Bright Horizons. She also made it through the whole evening until bedtime with no accidents. Hail Mary!